Friday, April 10, 2009


Man, where do i begin!! Ohio weather is beginning to bring all things bad out of people! Sickness!! so my daughter and I have come down with the flu, and I have realized that as i have the luxury to take a over the counter medication, she has to bare it the old fashion way!! Why aren't there any flu medicines for children that are younger than 2 years old. I mean sure i can take something to help me sleep better, but if my daughter isn't sleeping better.....there will definitely be no sleeping for me!! In the past couple of years they have recalled medicines for kids one by one!! I just wish that there would be some help in this area!! I mean if they look at it from the view of a mother or a father, indirectly they are making their life easier....Just something to ponder!!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

aaahh! finally up!!

Hey everyone!!
so I'm finally up and running, and so very excited!! Just taking everyday one at a time!! I'm loving this!! So has anyone seen anything interesting today? I'm very observant, and throughout the life of my blog I plan on bringing the most interesting, awesome, and life changing things that you need to know to make you new, and current!! As you can see i'm a proud mommy and, just going to give you a insight into my big wonderful world!